
Such a hybrid event needs the right attention in terms of organization. Meeting physically will go hand in hand with sharing digital information. The organizations below are involved in organizing this event.


Manufacturability is a very important item for ASML and optimal cooperation to arrive at the right functional products that will also be manufacturable is of great importance. That is why ASML supports this initiative to bring the manufacturing possibilities even more to the attention of their engineers.

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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Within our High-Tech region it is very important to work together in order to achieve the intended goals. Thermo Fisher and ASML have joined forces to emphasize the attention for manufacturing techniques among the engineers.

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Since the Mikrocentrum, together with Holland Innovative and Innovox & Partners, took up the challenge to make the Knowledge Sharing Center (KSC) more efficient and therefore larger, we have taken up the challenge together to organize this new event. The Mikrocentrum also likes challenges with their extensive experience in organizing events, this will certainly turn out well.

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Sign up for the Manufacturing Technology Conference 2024

16 april 2024
NH Conference Centre Koningshof, Locht 117, 5504 RM Veldhoven

The aim of the Manufacturing Technology Conference is to bring together technicians from the design and manufacturing industry to share knowledge about manufacturability. With this annual Manufacturing Technology Conference, we increase knowledge about manufacturability for developers and help them look for possibilities that were previously unknown.

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