Advanced manufacturing for precision technology

Design engineers think up more and more complex (optical) systems. At least sometimes, they neglect the capabilities of the following production steps. The Fraunhofer IPT works on bridging this gap by conducting applied research in close collaboration with industry.

Fine machining and optics

Fraunhofer IPT wants to share their knowledge about "Fine Machining and Optics" with us at the first Manufacturing Technology Conference 2023.

System solutions for sustainable production

The Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT develops system solutions for the networked, adaptive production of sustainable and resource-saving products. We optimize new and existing methods, technologies and processes for efficient and ecological production of the future that integrates climate protection and environmental compatibility into its calculations.

Dr. Tim Grunwald

Head of Department at Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT), speaks about “Advanced manufacturing for precision technology”.

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Sign up for the Manufacturing Technology Conference 2024

16 april 2024
NH Conference Centre Koningshof, Locht 117, 5504 RM Veldhoven

The aim of the Manufacturing Technology Conference is to bring together technicians from the design and manufacturing industry to share knowledge about manufacturability. With this annual Manufacturing Technology Conference, we increase knowledge about manufacturability for developers and help them look for possibilities that were previously unknown.

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