Speakers: Masterclass

During a master class we will further discuss the content of the described item. Come to the indicated location and learn more about the content.

Duration: 1 hr

Christoph Hauck


Assured quality AM by Collaboration

Zaal MTC 1
15:15 - 16:15

Toolcraft and Trumpf explain how you can achieve a high-quality end product using the Additive Manufacturing process.

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Presentation will be available at 17 april 2025


Maarten van Dijk


From AM Design to Parts Quality by Collaboration

Zaal MTC 1

Collaboration is key to achieving the right part quality through AM. Statistics, learning, production and quality are brought together into an efficient collaboration chain. ASML, Additive Center, Additive Industries and Hexagon show you.

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Presentation will be available at 17 april 2025

Bright society

Hilal / Lonneke /Lisa


Become a manufacturing expert in the blink of an eye by Bright society

Zaal 1
15.20 - 16.20

The future expert is the one who is ahead of the market trends, has the quickest access to knowledge, knows how to select the relevant information, share and transfer it.

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Presentation will be available at 17 april 2025

Altair Engineering GmbH

Simon Zwingert


AI and Simulation-Driven Design for Advanced Manufacturing by Altair Engineering GmbH

Zaal 3
14.00 - 14.30

Design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) is becoming key to exploit the freedoms of additive manufacturing (AM) while adhering to the process limitations. A good understanding includes: designing a part for the appropriate AM process, for minimal us

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Presentation will be available at 17 april 2025

University of Amsterdam

Professor Steve Franklin


Tribology for Design by University of Amsterdam

Zaal 1
11.10 - 12.10

Tribology is of fundamental importance to the design of all products and machinery that involve motion, and is all about friction, wear and lubrication. In practice, these translate into lifetime performance, reliability, energy efficiency, maintenan

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Presentation will be available at 17 april 2025

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Sign up for the Manufacturing Technology Conference 2025

17 april 2025
NH Conference Centre Koningshof, Locht 117, 5504 RM Veldhoven

The aim of the Manufacturing Technology Conference is to bring together technicians from the design and manufacturing industry to share knowledge about manufacturability. With this annual Manufacturing Technology Conference, we increase knowledge about manufacturability for developers and help them look for possibilities that were previously unknown.

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